We helped the Marine Protected Area of Tavolara PCC to devise the economic contribution scheme as well as to draft the Tax Law which was issued on 2015.

Website: http://www.amptavolara.com/home-page/

SPS won the public tender for managing the official communication of the LIFE+ Project aimed to protect the endangered species Sardinian Corse Deer.

We manage the website contents, the Facebook official page and every other communication activity of the Project.

Website: http://www.onedeertwoislands.eu/

We are supporting the Proteced Area of Tavolara in the implementation of the environmental accounting system. Among the actions that we are carrying on, we devised a system for assessing the economic value of the Protected Area beaches.

Our analysis poited out that the most common assessment tools can't apply on the territory of North Sardinia. Therefore, we devised two new tools which are more appropriate for the North Sardinia territory.

This way we were able to figured out the economic value of Tavolara Marine Protected Area beaches.

SPS manages the InformaCittà desk of the City of Olbia.

Basing on citezens needs, collected by the City Hall welfare secretary, SPS is carrying on an improvement strategy which aims to offer an integrated service that combines social support and information.

The service is mainly aimed to help citizens on some important social issues: job counselling, school counselling, tourist information desk, immigration desk. SPS manages also the service website.

Website: http://informacittaolbia.spssrl.org/

La SPS srl ha realizzato con GEASAR SpA, in partnership con il Comune di Olbia, un progetto volto alla valorizzazione del proprio centro didattico direzionale, con l'implementazione di tutti i servizi innovativi volti ad assicurare lo sviluppo del Polo Universitario, unitamente alla creazione di attività a beneficio dell'intera collettività Gallurese.

Website: http://www.geasar.it